Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Who Are The Militant Ones?

I found this post on No Godz that perfectly expresses my sentiments regarding the Tulsa World's recent article regarding the atheist billboards that are going up in T-town this week.

You'll have to scroll down to the post with the same title as this one.

Christian definition of an Atheist Militant: any atheist who speaks up, even if there's no violence or aggression involved.

New Blog Added To My List

I have added The Atheist Revolution to the Ex-Wingnut family of Really Cool Atheist Blogs.

Check out the Atheist Revolution's article Lessons From The Damon Fowler Case.

I can attest to the fact that atheist kids face this shit every day in the South.

While we can, and must do better, I must also say that I was impressed with the fact that Damon received $15K in scholarship money from the Friendly Atheist blog.

Click on the above link to contribute.Please.

You might try and log to the Atheist Community of Tulsa Facebook page and leave a message of support for Damon. I'm sure he would appreciate it.

Meantime, let's have some discussion on how we can better respond to this horseshit in the future.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Left Hemispheres: Sam Harris: Is Christian Morality Psychopathic?

Left Hemispheres: Sam Harris: Is Christian Morality Psychopathic?: "This is an excerpt from the Harris vs. Craig we previously posted, but I thought this was a nice, short example of that debate. Sometimes..."

A 11-minute excerpt from a 2-hour debate between Sam Harris, author of "Letter to a Christian Nation,The End of Faith, and "The Moral Landscape" , and William Lane Craig, leading christian apologist. You can also access the entire debate from the link.

All of Sam Harris'books are available from Amazon, and I especially recommend Letter to a Christian Nation.

If you're christian, you may not be after you read it.

If you're secular, it is a wake-up call for secular people to combat the right wing christian movement that seeks to trash our constitution and take away freedom from anyone who isn't like them.

But don't just take my word for it. Buy the book and read it for yourself.

Blag Hag: Atheist Barbie

Blag Hag: Atheist Barbie: "I've never been a fan of Barbie (shocker, I know). My family always tried to buy them for me, but I wanted nothing more than to play with Le..."

Blag Hag: The Unbelievers: New Atheism and the Old Boy's Clu...

Blag Hag: The Unbelievers: New Atheism and the Old Boy's Clu...: "I highly recommend this article by Victoria Bekiempis at Bi tch Media . It's one of the most well-rounded, unbiased, well-researched article..."

And, required reading for anyone who cares about the future of the secular movement.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Commentary on Previous Post

Luv the fact that over $9000 has been raised in support of Damon Fowler's future educational endeavors.

Makes a nice FU to the christian haters.

Why the hell do christians continue to assert that theirs is a loving god, when the available evidence (such as this incident) proves otherwise?