Thursday, December 30, 2010

A couple of orgs u might b interested in......

Check out the Freedom From Religion Foundation website at
These good folks are doing a lot of good work raising the profile of nonbelievers with their "Out of the Closet " billboard and bus sign campaigns.
I look at the rise of the secular movement in this country, and It reminds me of where the religious right was 30 years ago.Membership in nonbeliever orgs has risen every year since Dubya came into office, and polls have shown a consistent rise in the percentage of people who self-identify as nonbelievers. Last time i checked, it hit a high of 16% and a low of 12%, depending on which poll you read. I'll provide links to the relevant webpages as soon as I figure out how to do it.
This is a movement destined to make a difference in the years ahead.